24 April 2011

Song of the Week, 2011-016, I Guess I'll Get The Papers And Go Home, Mills Brothers

Couldn't find the Louis Armstrong version of this song on Youtube, what a shame, but this one is not too bad.

This week is the official final week for lessons, it is time to write the papers. In fact I shouldn't be typing this, as I have three papers on hand now, and the first deadline will be 30th April. MY GOD~! Really it's time to get some blank A4 papers, go home and lock myself up.

Honestly, I don't really know if I actually hate or love the process of writing papers, it is always a mix of frustration and excitement. But one thing I am very sure, papers are like zombies, they eat your brain.

Right, I should go now and let the zombies start their feast...

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