9 October 2011

Song of the Week, 2011-40, Just like Anything, The Sand Band

This is a cover of Jackson C. Frank's "Just like Anything" by the Sand Band. According to Frank, the Song do not really have any meaning, it is meant to be a break or a form of balance from his heavier work. Yet this work is not short on charm and brilliance.

The lyrics might not make much sense, but for god sake, they rhyme. If you look for meaning, then look else where. But if you are looking for a interpretation for yourself, I guess any artist, including Frank, will have no objection to that, or let say they have no control on that.

My interpretation? Honestly, I don't have one, but I find this song kind of sad but soothing. It's like when one is in a calm state where fragments of thoughts flow around freely.

Just like how the lyrics depict... a state of mind.

P.S. I think the MV, though not official, did a great job in bringing up the mood.

xxx xxx xxx

Just like anything
To sing   To sing   To sing
is a state of mind
Sunlight dances slowly on a drum beats broken rhyme
I speak of answers only to see them in my mind
If I had a penny I'd throw it in the sea
to see if it would float away
Or grow a penny tree
I play the fool of rhythm
To speak of what is sane
I never think of singing to those who feel the same
See how high the rain falls
See the color in my hair
Hunt for golden porridge bowls
Hear the paper tear
Just like anything
To sing   To sing   To sing
Is a state of mind
Death gives no reason
So why should I
Death has no season
So I know I'll never die
Just like anything
To sing   To sing   To sing
Is a state of mind

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