9 August 2017

Hades Star

These days, I am quite addicted to a mobile game called Hades Star. It is a new social space strategy game.

There is a common AI enemy for all the players called the Cerberus, which scattered around the space that we, the players, are exploring. So in a way, we are the hostile alien invading the living space of a peaceful race who just want to have a quiet life (they don't really move around). Anyway, we don't care, as we are so greedy and have too much free time.

7 August 2017

First time boss: Direction, Alignment, Commitment


This idea from the book sounds familar, but it is still a revelation.

Direction, Alignment and Commitment. They are essential to motivate not just a team but for personal goal too. To drive the team to move forward one need to be able to paint a clear picture (a vision/direction) that people can relate to and empathize. Then be able to support the team to understand who is going to do what and how we are going to achieve the vision.

That makes the plan, and then it comes to action. Commitment is the internal drive to help the team stay on course and keep their passion to get to the vision. Encouragement and compliments are ways to keep the morale. Regular reminder of the vision and how good it will be would help to keep the team focus.

4 September 2012

Album Review: A Boy Named Charlie Brown, Vince Guaraldi Trio

現在無人不曉精品繁多的 Snoopy 曾經只是花生漫畫(Peanut)中的配角. 漫畫初期主要都集中在小男孩 Charlie Brown 身上. 這個極端自卑, 常常被嘲笑(也自嘲), 卻又努力不懈的小男孩的原型其實就是花生漫畫作者 Charles Schluz 本人. 1963年一套有關 Charles Schulz 及花生漫畫的紀錄片 A Boy Named Charlie Brown 的配樂就成了這張節奏明快輕鬆的爵士樂專輯.

專輯中的樂曲也廣泛地用於花生漫畫的電視及電影中. 雖然說是卡通的配樂, 但純粹把它當作兒童音樂看待絕對是一種損失. 作曲並同時是專輯鋼琴手的 Vince Guaraldi 以活潑跳脫的琴音貫穿整張專輯, 加上輕快雀躍的爵士鼓和低音大提琴伴奏, 聽著聽著就讓人有一種回到孩提活蹦亂跳的感覺.

特別值得留意專輯的經典 track 6 Linus and Lucy, 充滿兒童搗蛋攪亂的氣氛, 是全張專輯最熱鬧最 Swing 的高潮. 另外代表花生漫畫中的音樂小天才 Schroeder 的 track 4 同名曲目, 優雅之餘也有種春田花花合唱團的童真, 麥嘜麥兜的 Fans 應該什感親切. 唯獨是 Track 10 的 Fly Me To The Moon 因為是後來加上以湊時間, 所以顯得有點格格不入. 但總括而言不論樂曲的質素及演奏的水準, 都可把它視為一張爵士樂的經典.

27 May 2012




4 December 2011

Song of the Week, 2011-48, Hotel California, the Eagles

This song always gives me the chill. The album version is great, but it is the live version that really shines. This one is on the "Hell Freezes Over" album, and it is always on my portable list.

Just a few days after I entered my current company, I got a chance to go to the sound theatre (I just call it sound room) which is used for testing products. They played this song with one of the company's product, and that was great, it gave me goosebumps. However my colleagues told me that they get so bored of the song that the intro is enough to make them puke. But as they said it is necessary, it is only when you get so familiar with it then you can really tell the difference when it is played on different product. That's so true! So let see when I get to that stage.

However I just used it as a test track when I was trying to make the decision about which earphone to buy. I can only say that I am not familiar with it yet, as I can still find new sound in the track and get so excited about it.

There is another brilliant, brilliant, trumpet intro version that I just got my hands on recently. Can't wait to get myself sick of it with my new toy.

P.S. This new toy is gonna ignite my fire to pick up "song of the week" again, but before that I have to fill up those missing issue before this one.

9 October 2011

Song of the Week, 2011-40, Just like Anything, The Sand Band

This is a cover of Jackson C. Frank's "Just like Anything" by the Sand Band. According to Frank, the Song do not really have any meaning, it is meant to be a break or a form of balance from his heavier work. Yet this work is not short on charm and brilliance.

The lyrics might not make much sense, but for god sake, they rhyme. If you look for meaning, then look else where. But if you are looking for a interpretation for yourself, I guess any artist, including Frank, will have no objection to that, or let say they have no control on that.

My interpretation? Honestly, I don't have one, but I find this song kind of sad but soothing. It's like when one is in a calm state where fragments of thoughts flow around freely.

Just like how the lyrics depict... a state of mind.

P.S. I think the MV, though not official, did a great job in bringing up the mood.

xxx xxx xxx

Just like anything
To sing   To sing   To sing
is a state of mind
Sunlight dances slowly on a drum beats broken rhyme
I speak of answers only to see them in my mind
If I had a penny I'd throw it in the sea
to see if it would float away
Or grow a penny tree
I play the fool of rhythm
To speak of what is sane
I never think of singing to those who feel the same
See how high the rain falls
See the color in my hair
Hunt for golden porridge bowls
Hear the paper tear
Just like anything
To sing   To sing   To sing
Is a state of mind
Death gives no reason
So why should I
Death has no season
So I know I'll never die
Just like anything
To sing   To sing   To sing
Is a state of mind

2 October 2011

Song of the Week, 2011-39, Wait, Alexi Murdoch








25 September 2011

Song of the Week, 2011-38, Take Me Out, Franz Ferdinand

Their first album always reminds me about my days in UK.

When I walked from school campus back home, sometimes I want some upbeat tunes to drive my pace, and their music (well, maybe not the lyrics) is just perfect for that purpose.

And now I surely need to pick up some pace and catch up.