This song always gives me the chill. The album version is great, but it is the live version that really shines. This one is on the "Hell Freezes Over" album, and it is always on my portable list.
Just a few days after I entered my current company, I got a chance to go to the sound theatre (I just call it sound room) which is used for testing products. They played this song with one of the company's product, and that was great, it gave me goosebumps. However my colleagues told me that they get so bored of the song that the intro is enough to make them puke. But as they said it is necessary, it is only when you get so familiar with it then you can really tell the difference when it is played on different product. That's so true! So let see when I get to that stage.
However I just used it as a test track when I was trying to make the decision about which earphone to buy. I can only say that I am not familiar with it yet, as I can still find new sound in the track and get so excited about it.
There is another brilliant, brilliant, trumpet intro version that I just got my hands on recently. Can't wait to get myself sick of it with my new toy.
P.S. This new toy is gonna ignite my fire to pick up "song of the week" again, but before that I have to fill up those missing issue before this one.
4 December 2011
31 October 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-43, as long as you are happy, Cloud Cult
We are just a bunch of chemical reaction
driven by the occasional happiness injection
9 October 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-40, Just like Anything, The Sand Band
This is a cover of Jackson C. Frank's "Just like Anything" by the Sand Band. According to Frank, the Song do not really have any meaning, it is meant to be a break or a form of balance from his heavier work. Yet this work is not short on charm and brilliance.
The lyrics might not make much sense, but for god sake, they rhyme. If you look for meaning, then look else where. But if you are looking for a interpretation for yourself, I guess any artist, including Frank, will have no objection to that, or let say they have no control on that.
My interpretation? Honestly, I don't have one, but I find this song kind of sad but soothing. It's like when one is in a calm state where fragments of thoughts flow around freely.
Just like how the lyrics depict... a state of mind.
P.S. I think the MV, though not official, did a great job in bringing up the mood.
xxx xxx xxx
Just like anything
To sing To sing To sing
is a state of mind
Sunlight dances slowly on a drum beats broken rhyme
I speak of answers only to see them in my mind
If I had a penny I'd throw it in the sea
to see if it would float away
Or grow a penny tree
I play the fool of rhythm
To speak of what is sane
I never think of singing to those who feel the same
See how high the rain falls
See the color in my hair
Hunt for golden porridge bowls
Hear the paper tear
Just like anything
To sing To sing To sing
Is a state of mind
Death gives no reason
So why should I
Death has no season
So I know I'll never die
Just like anything
To sing To sing To sing
Is a state of mind
2 October 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-39, Wait, Alexi Murdoch
29 September 2011
25 September 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-38, Take Me Out, Franz Ferdinand
Their first album always reminds me about my days in UK.
When I walked from school campus back home, sometimes I want some upbeat tunes to drive my pace, and their music (well, maybe not the lyrics) is just perfect for that purpose.
And now I surely need to pick up some pace and catch up.
18 September 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-37, Lost!, Coldplay
This is always a good song for cheering.
Hope everything is going to be alright.
11 September 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-36, Full Moon, The Black Ghost
Where is home?
The place where we were born?
The place where we grew up?
The place where we found love?
The place where we found meaning?
I think...
Home is the place where we know something, or someone, is waiting for our return.
xxx xxx xxx
When the Full Moon turns white that's when I'll come home
I am going out to see what I can sow
And I don't know where I'll go
And I don't know what I'll see
But I'll try not to bring it back home with me
Like the morning sun, your eyes will follow me
As you watch me wander, curse the powers that be
Cause all I want is here and now but its already been and gone
Our intentions always last that bit too long
Far far away, no voices sounding, no one around me and
you're still there
Far far away, no choices passing, no time confounds me and
you're still there
In the full moons light I listen to the stream
And in between the silence hear you calling me
But I don't know where I am and I don't trust who I've been
And If I come home how will I ever leave
8 September 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-035, 願, 林憶蓮
很喜歡盧梭的一句話「我寧願成為一個自相矛盾的人也不願意成為一個充滿偏見的人」(I would rather be a man of paradoxes than a man of prejudices)。但愈來愈發覺要大方承認自己的矛盾一點也不容易,即使我們每天都過著自相矛盾的日子。
xxx xxx xxx
這篇有點不知所云… 因為近日陷入混沌狀態,就是在思考自己生活中的一些矛盾。
28 August 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-034, Falling Slowly, Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
《Once》是一套很特別的電影,雖然是低成本製作,卻一點也不馬虎,整套戲很自然很有真實感。導演 John Carney 稱它為一套音樂劇,這說法是挺準確的,而且電影的 Soundtrack 都要比很多 album 更有質素。相信這跟電影的參與者很多都其實是音樂人有關,男主角 Glen Hansard 是愛爾蘭 The Frames 樂隊的主音和結他手,女主角 Marketa Irglova 是來自捷克的音樂人並跟 Glen Hansard 另外組成了 The Swell Season, 就連導演 John Carney 本身其實也曾經是 The Frames 的低音結他手。這個背景不單肯定了電影的音樂質素,而且也確保了演員和導演的投入感,因為《Once》就是一個獨立音樂人的故事,我什至懷疑有些是他們的個人經歷。
p.s. 因為《Once》而認識 Marketa Irglova ,實在太吸引了。是充滿氣質的美,發覺我對這些女生是完全沒有抵抗力的。
xxx xxx xxx
"games that never amount
to more than they're meant
will play themselves out"
For game like this
Futility and emptiness should be expected
Yet it is still tough when things fall apart slowly in front of your eyes
Things that you tried to make an effort
Things that you put your heart into
When it is time to close the curtain they don't really mean anything
I am not giving up yet
But I am waiting for the curtain call
Before that I will give my best and enjoy what's left of it
21 August 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-033, Rock'n roll 的 style, 盧廣仲
發覺我一直都沒有在 Song of the Week 用上小隊長的作品,這是不被容許的,所以要立刻補上。
盧廣仲有很多作品我都很喜歡,沒有艱澀的詞曲,一切都來得很簡單很自然。有些題材生活化得很有喜劇感,例如這首《Rock'n roll 的 style》。讓我想起許冠傑的作品,現在香港這類型作品不多,我可以想到的有 My Little Airport 和小克之前的幾首改詞。這類型作品是挺令人開懷的,音樂真的不用常常都是優美動人,輕鬆頑皮也有其吸引之處。其實人類創作音樂之始應該都是很貼近生活的吧,或者盧廣仲的風格是很原始的哩,是一種返祖現象...
p.s. 總覺得盧廣仲 (Crowd) 跟 陳綺貞 (Cheer) 的英文名有種莫名的配合,根本就是形容他倆同台時觀眾的反應吧!
20 August 2011
Just woke up from an immensely bitter and painful dream.
I have to remember it, as it might come true one day.
Be prepared for any consequences that you can think of for the path that you have chosen.
Reality can be much tougher than every nightmares that you can ever dream of.
"Do not regret, move on."
I have to remember it, as it might come true one day.
Be prepared for any consequences that you can think of for the path that you have chosen.
Reality can be much tougher than every nightmares that you can ever dream of.
"Do not regret, move on."
14 August 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-032, Sunday Morning, Velvet Underground
Actually there is not much to say about this song, but since I heard it the first time, it has always been one of my favorite morning tune. Some say the lyrics is about hangover after the Saturday night fever, some say it is about taking drugs. I don't know what are the reasons behind these interpretations, I just find the music makes a perfect match with the lazy, relaxing Sunday morning. The meaning is not really that important for me.
There is a video clip that contain precious footage of the band member when they were making the song (the first result in youtube when you search for "The Velvet Underground Sunday Morning"), however I found this MV aesthetically more pleasing. Let's enjoy a Sunday morning with this gem.
xxx xxx xxx
Sunday morning, praise the dawning
Its just a restless feeling by my side
Early dawning, Sunday morning
Its just the wasted years so close behind
Watch out, the worlds behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
Its nothing at all
Sunday morning and I am falling
Ive got a feeling I don't want to know
Early dawning, Sunday morning
Its all the streets you crossed, not so long ago
Watch out, the worlds behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
Its nothing at all
Watch out, the worlds behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
Its nothing at all
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
7 August 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-031, Vltava, Bedřich Smetana
When I heard it in the movie "The Tree of Life", it sounded very familiar and I tried real hard to recall its name and its composer. But I really had no idea, as the movie went on, I just gave up. Finally, I tracked it down and found this brilliant version.
However, I still have no idea why it sounds familiar to me.
The great thing about this masterpiece is that the Czech composer, Bedřich Smetana, was completely deaf when he composed Má vlast Vltava. It is very hard to imagine how this could be done. I guess for these musical genius, music do not live with them, but live in them, that way music is truly everywhere in their life.
On a side note, when I was looking for this piece of music on youtube, I stumbled upon this brilliant Czech Beer advertisement.
English Translation of the ad:
- I can't write a national song, because I can't hear anything.
- But master...
- I CAN'T HEAR... a pen!
- "My Country" by Bedrich Smetana
- Go away!
- Pilsner Urquell inspiration taste.
31 July 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-030, Cloud, 朱凌凌
又講下另一隊香港 indie 組合 - 朱凌凌 / Juicyning。
認識他們是因為在電台聽到 Cloud 這首歌。雖然英文有些甩漏,但立刻喜歡上這首歌,也因為它而決定買他們的 Goodbye Badbye 專輯。專輯內的其他歌也不錯,另一首相當喜歡的是 Cheese Cake。
24 July 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-029, Just a Boy, Angus & Julia Stone
"Love is not a habit, a commitment, or a debt. It isn't romantic songs tell us it is - love simply is... No definitions. Love and don't ask too many questions. Just love." (Coelho 2006: 258)
"You say you'd love to travel, but you misuse the word love. Love is a relationship between people. Your one desire is for the harvest to be a good one, and that's why you've decided to love the earth. More nonsense: love isn't desire or knowledge or admiration. It's a challenge, it's an invisible fire." (Coelho 2006: 183)
"It can not be desired because it is an end in itself. It cannot betray because it has nothing to do with possession. It cannot be held prisoner because it is a river and will overflow its banks. Anyone who tries to imprison love will cut off the spring that feeds it, and the trapped water will grow stagnant and rank." (Coelho 2006: 196)
"After all, what is happiness? Love, they tell me. But love doesn't bring and never has brought happiness. On the contrary, it's a constant state of anxiety, a battlefield; it's sleepless nights, asking ourselves all the time if we're doing the right thing. Real love is composed of ecstasy and agony." (Coelho 2006: 129)
"According to the Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran, it was more important to give than to receive, but while these were wise words, I was part of what is known as "humanity," with my frailties, my moments of indecision, my desire simply to live in peace, to be the slave of my feelings and to surrender myself without asking any questions ........." (Coelho 2006: 243)
I take each step with courage and fear
Did I say I am just a boy
18 July 2011

其實早知自己的智慧齒生得有點偏離航道,不過一直沒有感到疼痛,所以就愛理不理,由得他們在口腔內橫行霸道。也不知道是不是因為本人太有智慧,多出來的智慧都流到口腔滋養智慧齒,讓這惡霸的勢力日漸坐大。診所替我照的 X 光口腔勢力分佈圖所見,除了下顎兩顆「橫行」的智慧齒要留意,這個勢力範圍位於左上角的惡霸 (代號 W.T.U.L. - Wisdom Tooth, Upper Left)比起其他旁邊的勢力要突出 3mm 多,牙醫說那很容易傷及下方的牙肉引致發炎,再加上我感到疼痛,所以他建議我先把這惡霸除掉。經歷了一整晚的折磨,我也沒有什麼其他選擇,所以就把心一橫買起這惡霸的狗命。
牙醫很熟練的在 10 分鍾內把這惡霸連根拔起,然後以讚嘆的口吻說︰「嘩~幾大隻。」我鬆一口氣,感到除掉心腹大患的安心和快感。怎料牙醫再說︰「呀~以為是今天最容易的智慧齒手術,睇真 D 原來係最麻煩。」我心想︰「你都係想我俾錢俾得 Gur D 啫,用不著這樣說。」。牙醫繼續說:「佢"o銀"到牙根位置所以生牙瘡,要清理埋佢。」也不等我回答 (我的口也被撐到不能回答),他就在原本是惡霸藏身的那個洞不停挖呀挖,雖然麻醉了不會感到痛楚,但那些「咯咯咯」的挖掘聲音和牙醫出力向洞的深處挖的景象真的令我感到毛骨悚然。我就知道這惡霸心狠手辣,就算死也要為難我。大戰了 10 多分鍾,終於牙醫停手了並對我說︰「攪掂~你看這就是那顆牙,而這些就是牙瘡的組織。好彩你決定剝左佢,如果唔係過幾日個牙瘡發炎,你就腫到成個豬頭丙咁。」那一刻我只感到茫然。我很快回過神問道:「我可以要番隻牙嗎?」一直在旁協助的姑娘很爽快的答應了。
他們把惡霸包好給我,再給我開了些消炎藥和止痛藥,然後埋單又是另一種疼痛。W.T.U.L. ﹗你真害我不淺。幸好我當時要求診所讓我處置你,即使現在你死了,我也可以鞭你屍以泄我心頭之恨。
P.S. 照片於惡霸剛被抓獲時攝。
17 July 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-028, Perfect Life, ketchup
上一篇說到香港的獨立音樂,其實除了 the pancakes 外香港還有很多值得支持的獨立音樂。我自己也是近年才留意多了,所以不算知道得很多,不過也希望分享幾個我知道的,讓更多人支持香港的獨立音樂人。
Ketchup 是我在英國時朋友介紹給我的。說是一個組合其實跟 the pancakes 一樣都是 one man band,而且不單是唱作,連 Album 的封面和 Artwork 都是他自己一手包辦,據我所知他曾經當過平面設計,作品絕對高水準。而他的音樂作品都是英文,我記得他曾經說過其實純粹是因為他覺得英文比粵語容易填,而從他對粵語歌的認識而且在演唱會上也會 cover 不同粵語歌可見應該真的只是填詞的技術性問題。
上年五月他曾經辦了一個據他所言可能是他最後一個演唱會,那個演唱會我有去,反應很熱烈,很多人都表示希望他繼續玩。我自己印象最深的是潘廸華也有來看,並坐在最後近中間的位置,其中一首是 Ketchup 刻意選潘廸華的歌作為致意,但是 Ketchup 唱了幾次都不到 Key,觀眾都偋息靜氣希望他會到 Key,就在到了那個危險甩 Key 位時候突然潘廸華放聲唱起來,變成跟 Ketchup 一起合唱,說起來好像沒有什麼特別,但 Ketchup 的心意和現場的氣氛再加上潘廸華不用咪也甚為響亮的靚聲,那刻居然有種莫名的感動,充滿一種承先啟後的意味,唱完整首歌後觀眾都熱烈鼓掌和歡呼。另一個我喜歡的環節是他會在唱歌前說一下那首歌的靈感或者其意思,當然還有他的爛 gag 和所謂的棟督笑 (其實他沒有這樣說,不過他真有幾分像黃子華,所以有些觀眾這麼說)。整個 Show 都很吸引。可能因為反應不俗和潘廸華和Joe Junior完 Show 後的鼓勵,Ketchup 繼續做他的音樂,而且也不時出 Show。

15 July 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-027, 阿X, the pancakes
3 July 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-026, 十個救火的少年, 達明一派
xxx xxx xxx
實在是危險 報了名便算
靜悄靜悄 便決定轉身竄
罷了罷了 便歸家往後轉
來到這段落 祗得七勇士
謾罵著離開 這生不願見
在理論裡 沒法滅火跟煙
瞬息之間 葬身於這巨變
就似在怨 用處沒有一點
亂說亂說 愈說祗有愈遠
25 June 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-025, Free Ride, Predawn
這裡原本有一篇由 Predawn 這首 Free Ride 啟發而寫的故事,不過我 Pat Pat 痕癢,把文章拿去投稿了,所以暫時不貼。相信投稿都是石沉大海,不過總要給個理由,以証明我沒有偷懶。
19 June 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-024, Riverside, Agnes Obel
15 June 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-023, 紅豆, 王菲
難道就沒有想過這如飛蛾撲火 ? 不可能吧 ...
我相信無常 ;
我懷疑命運 ;
什麼時候是盡頭 ?
撲向火光是因為相信 ;
那很傻 ? 或許 ...
相聚離開 都有時候
可是我 有時候
4 June 2011
29 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-021, Grandfathers Dance, Harry LaFleur
Everyone has a day of departure, but not everyone can leave in tranquility. We are all sad about the lost, but we are happy that you leave without much suffering. Also I am grateful that the family stay strong, and I think we take care of each other well. That, I suppose is not too bad for an ending. So I hope you wouldn't mind that I have chosen an upbeat music for you.
May you rest in peace and happiness.
22 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-020, Ремонт , Flёur
The Monday just passed was a rainy day. I went to university to return some books, accompanying me was an old friend who studied in the university for his undergraduate. He was amazed by the changes and renovations going-on in the campus. As we walked around the campus, he told me fragments of stories and memories. It is hard to believe 5 years (for me it is 4) has passed since we graduated and got ourselves into the real world (somehow I got myself back into the dream world of uni again, at least for a year).
I remembered when I was small, a day felt like a century, everything seemed to run in slow motion. Now, time is passing too quickly. Bomb, a day passed without notice. Bomb, a year passed with a blink. Things are changing in a flying pace.
"Things lead life of their own
When you are not looking"
This is an excerpt from the lyrics of the song. I guess many people have thought about it when they were little. I admit I did, I thought my stationaries communicate with each other and plan for an escape when I was asleep. I dropped the idea shortly when I found my lost pens, rulers, rubbers etc. under my bed covered in dust.
But now I kind of agree with it... in a different sense.
xxx xxx xxx
Flёur - Ремонт
(Flёur - Remodeling)
There are no tries
or home,
no silent allies in twilight
no dogs that I would know
Flowers in neat flowerbeds
Everything looks different
Unfamiliar, new
As if it's always been this way
It's definitely the right place
Just not the right time
Different time of year
Different time of day
It was so interesting
Mom, Dad and Summer
And I've turned into someone
Not paying attention to what was between the lines
Everything's covered with plaster
and freshly painted
Numerous little jobs completed
How do I go back to this other life
That seems like a fairy tail
When everything has been remodeled
It feel like I can see everything
But I can't wake up
I know that objects (things) lead life of their own
When you don't look at them
And the world behind your back is constantly moving
All it takes is to turn around
And I got distracted just for a second
When everyone around me changed completely
19 May 2011

先說說行政長官所說的"社會有意見"。 "社會意見"就是社會上不同的人因應自己的情況和立場對一些話題和討論有著不同想法, 內裡包括各種正與反的見解, 是一個概括性的詞語, 沒有鮮明立場。 另一個措辭是"社會主流意見", 這代表的是曝光率較高而且被認為是較多人認識或同意的見解, 但我們必須清楚明白"主流"並不代表"正確"或"最理想", 也不一定是最有代表性因為它只是一種綜合性的泛論, 而且它也會因時間和環境而改變。 作為一個有效的政府就必須了解"社會意見"的含糊和不確定性, 要以理據和合理的程序去支持自己的政策, 說服群眾以穩固自己的政權。 這當中不可能撇開"政治目的"。
每個政黨本身都有立場, 而市民就因其自身的立場而選擇支持那個政黨, 政黨的目標就是說服和吸納更多支持者以期獲得更多席位或成為執政黨。 所以在民主體制下, 政黨不可能偏離社會而為了"一己政治目的", 如果他們的立場有變, 或市民發覺他們只為個人利益, 支持者自然會流失。 為了使我們的行政長官可以明白, 簡單點說, 民主體制下每個政黨都代表著一些"社會意見"。
故此, 行政長官所說的"社會有意見批評一些政黨為一己政治目的, 以法律程序及其他手段阻礙大型機建項目發展, 損害香港整體及長遠利益" , 以現時的香港而言完全沒有邏輯可言, 也不可能成立。 有什麼情況這句說話會合邏輯 ? 有的, 在獨裁政權之下, 該政權便代表著整體, 所有其他政黨及支持那些政黨的市民都是敵人, 都是為了"一己政治目的"的敵對勢力。 因為對於只會考慮"一己政治目的"的獨裁政權而言, 所有反對聲音都是為了拉他們下台, 都是只為了奪去他們的執政權, 都是有著"一己政治目的"。 所有不同意其政策的人民都是反動, 都脫離了他們定義的整體。 那個地方切合這情況? 很多, 有一個就在眼前。 以現在特區政府推動香港改變的方向而言, 我們的行政長官非但沒有邏輯謬誤, 而且很有先見之明哩 !
15 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-019, Glósóli, Sigur Ros
There is no better way to warp up the anthropology master course with one of my favorite music. For some unknown reason, this MV always gives me goose bumps.
This year of study is truly fun and inspiring. I have really enjoyed the whole process. The department is super nice and friendly, the professors are great, and all the classmates, both MA and Mphil, are really fun to play with. I am never an active person, but these guys, they are just brilliant, I have enjoyed every bit of time with them (although I always sit at the corner and don't really talk much, please bear with me, that's my character :P). I am sure I will keep in touch with all these great people.
So, why this song? Because it is about chasing the glowing sun. Wish all of you succeed in finding your glowing sun, and have an enjoyable journey chasing it. All the best~!
8 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-018, That's Amore, Dean Martin
This is a song specially for a dear friend who got married yesterday~!
Many people say one of the biggest concerns about getting married is how much money need to be spent, especially for the man. And the best part is that, you are not paying for the fun, you are paying for the trouble (in which the wife is/is going to be the biggest of them all). So, you see, getting married is indeed a test for the man.
I am happy to have contributed to such a test by making the husband to pay for overpriced ugly DIY wedding invitation cards.
So Agnes, you should be happy, since Raymond still kept a smile on his face even he knew he is ripped off by your friend. But tell him to treat you good, or else you can always let us rip him off again as a punishment.
Anyway, enough stupid talk from me.
Agnes and Raymond, all the best to you, may your joining together bring you more joy than you can imagine.
xxx xxx xxx
That's Amore, by Dean Martin
In Napoli,
Where love is king,
When boy meets girl,
Here's what they say...
When the moon,
Hits you eye,
Like a big pizza pie,
That's amore.
When the world,
Seems to shine,
Like you've had too much wine,
That's amore
Bells will ring,
And you'll sing vita bella.
Hearts will play,
Like a gay tarantella.(lucky fella)
When the stars,
make you drool,
Just like a pasta fazool,
That's amore.
When you dance,
Down the street,
With a cloud,
At your feet,
You're in love.
When you walk,
In a dream,
But you know,
You're not dreaming signore.
Scuzza me,
But you see,
Back in old Napoli
That's amore!
2 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-017, Paper Aeroplane, KT Tunstall
Something has to give...
I put myself into this position, so I have to endure whatever it throws at me. Now I am not even half way through, but I can already smell the burning ash of abyss. But I have no intention to turn around, I will keep my promise, a promise that I made to myself. Not for anyone, not for anything, just for the sake of making it complete.
24 April 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-016, I Guess I'll Get The Papers And Go Home, Mills Brothers
Couldn't find the Louis Armstrong version of this song on Youtube, what a shame, but this one is not too bad.
This week is the official final week for lessons, it is time to write the papers. In fact I shouldn't be typing this, as I have three papers on hand now, and the first deadline will be 30th April. MY GOD~! Really it's time to get some blank A4 papers, go home and lock myself up.
Honestly, I don't really know if I actually hate or love the process of writing papers, it is always a mix of frustration and excitement. But one thing I am very sure, papers are like zombies, they eat your brain.
Right, I should go now and let the zombies start their feast...
17 April 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-015, Blowing in the Wind, Bob Dylan
I can't find the Bob Dylan version, probably because of copyright issue. But this cover version by Peter, Paul and Mary is nice too, so let's make do with it.
I went to the Bob Dylan concert in Hong Kong on Wednesday, it was great! love it. I sat on the 5th row, but when the concert started I just rush to the front and have fun. However he didnt sing this song in the concert, he might get tired of it or something. It is understandable, especially for an artist who look for surpassing his/her past. When everyone ask for it all the time, you just don't want to do it. The freaking attitude of artists... but anyway I am grateful that he made such a beautiful song.
This week's song is specially dedicated to the Chinese Artist, Ai Weiwei.
I was never interested in politics before I entered university. I used to find politics dirty, and thought that it is only a game for those smart-arse politicians. However two quotes changed my perception and attitude towards politics.
"First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me."
--- by Pastor Martin Niemoller
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
--- by Edmund Burke
I do not think that everyone have to take an extremeist stance and fight, however, people should be given space and freedom to express themselves. We also need to think about the reason for people to take extreme action, it could be due to the ineffectiveness of other channels or simply due to supression, and for current Hong Kong, it would be both.
You might think that those people have nothing to do with you, or you might even find them annoying and damaging the so called "harmony" of Hong Kong, then please do enjoy your "harmony". However please bear in mind that "harmony" is only a silent violence. You stop yourself from seeing, hearing and feeling in the name of "harmony". When one day you are "harmonized" and no one is willing to speak out for you and fight alongside with you, please blame no one but yourself.
10 April 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-014, Slow Down, Morcheeba
Maybe I tried too hard.
Maybe I pushed too far.
Maybe it is time to slow down.
Maybe it is time to lie down.
I promise I am devoted and I can offer anything.
I guess what is most needed now is time, space and nothing.
I will let it flow,
But I am not ready to let it go.
Not yet...
31 March 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-013, Hold On, Angus and Julia Stone
Certainty is illusion.
Phenomenon is surface.
Futility is norm.
Exertion is the only way.
27 March 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-012, Grey Room, Damien Rice
In a room with its four walls flushed in grey, sitting on the floor, B and C are having a converstion.
B: Isn't it what you longed for?
C: ... yea... I guess so... at least it was
B: What do you mean by "it was"?
C: ... I don't know. It's just that, now that it came, I don't feel happy at all.
B: I don't understand. Are you trying to say that now you find out it is not what you really wanted?
C: I am very sure it WAS what I wanted. I wonder if I changed my mind as thing goes.
B: How's that so? Don't you have a clear idea about what you want to achieve?
C: Well, I thought I did, but now I am not sure. Maybe you are right, I don't really have a clear idea. Or, maybe I misunderstood everything, including myself. Or, it is just wrong... right from the start...
B: ......
C: I know... I know it sounds horrible...
For a minute which seems like forever, the complete silence chokes the grey room with its strong hand, until C starts talking again.
C: ... have you ever had the experience, when you were walking through a park, suddenly you found a path that leads to a beautiful garden, then you wandered into the garden and lost yourself in the scene, and kind of forgot about time and space?
B: That's just an excuse. You are only meant to pass through the park, not staying there, or touching anything in it.
C: Maybe it is indeed an excuse, but what is the meaning of "only meant to be", essentially it is just a subjective statement that tries to convince people that it is the only way to do something.
B: But there are always rules.
C: Who set up these rules?
B: It is not important, they are there so you have to follow. Certainly you can break them, but there are always prices to be paid. And this is life.
C: ... Life is terribly funny. At one point it gives you light and hope, at another it banishes you to the dark void. It always play jokes on you, humiliate you in all kinds of way and bring you to your knees... I always think "Life" gotta be a ruthless comedian who can just make fun of anything, otherwise it can only be a lunatic. I guess the only thing I can do is to laugh along with it...
B nods his head in silence, yet with a difficult expression on his face which shows that he is not really convinced by C. The grey room goes silence again...
The grey room... is a little corner at the back of my head.
20 March 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-011, Salt Song, Stanley Turrentine
Not exactly a song, but a nice piece of jazz.
Salt Song, by Stanley Turrentine, the bouncing and vivacious rhythm and humorous attitude just fits perfectly well with all the fuss.
14 March 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-010, 島唄, The Boom
For those who ride with the wind
to the far side of the scene;
May you rest in clam and peace,
up in the blue sky, above the sea;
We shall meet when the day reaches,
Until then you have our best wishes.
6 March 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-009, 嫉妒, 陳綺貞
26 February 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-008 - , 青花瓷 by 周杰倫
猶記得中學時讀黃國彬寫的那艱澀難明的〈聽陳蕾氏的琴箏〉,那時候讀來真是一頭霧水"MA"聲連連,現在再讀卻覺得不是那麼差。就如Wyman給Eason寫的〈苦瓜〉說「大概今生有些事是提早都不可以」,這世界有許許多多的事都急不來,也不到我們去急,到適當的時候遇上適當的環境自然便領會。說起〈聽陳蕾氏的琴箏〉是為了這星期的 Song of the Week,周杰倫的〈青花瓷〉。方文山的詞真的美得可怕,但想來如果這是中學時的範文,方文山也有可能落得如黃國彬般被咒罵的下場哩。
"等待"從來都折騰人,而不知道結果的等待更加使人窒息。很多時候我們的滿心期待只換來更慘不忍睹的失望傷心,但無盡洪荒裡我們輕如煙微如塵,有時候除了等待我們真不知道還可以做些什麼... 等待是沒有其他選擇下的唯一辦法...
是嗎?... 或者不然...
有時候等待也是必要的,因為「大概今生有些事是提早都不可以」(又來了,這句什是好用),不只是客觀環境的考慮,還有內心的各種掙扎,不同的壓力,自己心裡定下的一些對別人又對自己的承諾,種種因素都影響著我們的判斷和決定。 有時候"等待"本身或者算是一種印證,一種責任,一種承諾。
25 February 2011
20 February 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-007 - 茉莉花, by 蔡琴
Such a beautiful jasmine flower
Such a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower
Wish the Jasmine blossom wherever it is longed-for.
16 February 2011
《2010時尚》(主編寄語)記得幾年前看過鳳凰衛視的一檔節目,談到一個男大學生因為女朋友移情別戀傍大款,於是把她殺了這個話題。記得作為嘉賓主持的 梁文道的愛情觀點很特立獨行:為什麼那個男學生就一廂情願地認定女朋友和有錢人在一起就是傍大款呢?他怎麼就知道他們之間沒有愛情呢?誰又知道他們之間真 正發生了什麼呢?於是從那時起就有了請這個飽讀詩書,被易中天調侃為「梁文物」的梁文道,和所有憧憬愛情或對愛情失望的COSMO讀者談談愛情的想法—— 以一種非常文藝青年的方式。
梁文道:儀式是宣告一個變化的完成。比如畢業典禮是一個儀式,婚姻需要儀式,孩子出生有儀式,這都和人生的變化有關。情人也是一樣,但是兩個人成為情人的 那一刻很難界定,是他拉著我的手過馬路的那一刻呢?還是吃飯的時候他深情地盯著我的那一剎那呢?還是他直接在電話裡說他很喜歡你的那一剎那呢?這個「一剎 那」是重要的,是一個儀式,因為你們的關係就因此而變了。
梁文道:我們總相信一種虛妄愛情的神話,認為愛情是沒有條件的,但其實,愛情永遠是需要內在條件的。如果一個女人說,愛一個男人是因為他很有錢,包含的意 思是很實際的。比如他安排了一個浪漫的約會,背後是因為他很有經濟實力,但是這個浪漫約會帶來的打動是很真實的。難道這有什麼不對嗎?女人喜歡男人因為他 有才華,或者很帥,為什麼就可以?才華其實和財富是同樣的,都是造成你心動的條件。每個人都說,最重要的是人好,好像這樣才高尚,但是其實愛情總是和各種 條件有關,你愛一個人總是因為某種理由,財富不見得比其他的條件更高或更低。一個有錢人,或許比較有機會有更好的藝術鑑賞力、見識、氣度或者某種更好的性 格,這是和錢帶給他的東西有關的。錢本身就是一種資源,可以帶來很多別的東西。為什麼人喜歡發財,因為錢可以帶來別的能力。我們不能把一個有錢人符號化, 認為他就一定要濫情,一定要無知等等。這種想法對有錢人是不公平的,就和歧視窮人一樣不公平。
梁文道:墨西哥文學獎獲得者帕斯寫過一本書,他說這三者是連鎖關係。性是人的動物本能,後來通過文化的包裹,有了愛的外殼,再後來社會制度化,便有了婚 姻。所以性是最根本的,而愛和婚姻中都不可避免的有性存在。當然對於這個問題,各種文化的看法都不同。在日本,女人可以通過相親和不愛的男人結婚,做好媽 媽,好太太,然後在外面有一個很愛的情人,偶爾還可能和一個有性吸引力的男同事去汽車酒店過夜。在日本女性眼中,婚姻、愛情、性三者是分開的。而在中國, 對於大多數女性來說它們是綁在一起的。
梁文道:有一個生物學解釋。雄性哺乳類動物天生喜好播種,從基因傳遞的角度考慮,必須要儘量傳播自己的精子。而雌性哺乳類動物,比如猴子,一方面她會在伴 侶面前偽裝專一,而背後會放縱自己的性慾。因為生育的負擔在雌性身上,所以她必須鞏固和綁住一個雄性,讓他對自己的孩子負責。所以女性談愛,緊張愛,是出 於對生育壓力的焦慮。當然這是生物學的說法,人不是動物。但是也不可否認,我們過去的文化,過分壓抑了女人對性的需要。我們其實不應該過分二元化對立,這 樣對於男性和女性都不公平。
徐巍:女人學會對自己的性負責是很重要的成長。我記得曾經接到一個女大學生的來信,信中她說自己是一個很獨立的女人,但她同時又對自己的男朋友說: 我把一切都給了你,你可要對我負責啊…女人年輕的時候常常把性當成自己給男人的一個餽贈,認為如果我把性給了你,我們之間卻沒有結果,那我就虧了。
徐巍:我記得洪晃曾經笑談:睡多少男人才值?COSMO也曾經做過一篇文章《經歷過多少男人才能成為女人?》,性伴侶數量是現在一些女性談論的話 題。當時我們一直糾纏在數字上,後來想想,所謂值和不值都是自己的判斷,我們既不必因為多而驕傲,也不必因為少而焦慮。只要我們有當下的樂趣和前行的資本 和勇氣——COSMO一直強調女人在一段關係裡保持自我的魅力和獨立性,這是很重要的,比數量重要得多。
梁文道:這就和一個人喜不喜歡旅行一樣。有的人就認為人生在世應該多走些地方,見識不同的人,不同的風光,但是有的人就是不喜歡旅行,覺得在家千日好。後 者在今天往往被忽略,甚至被誤解。其實這種人可能比喜歡旅行的人更敏感,他會感覺到每天從窗戶照射進來的陽光的細微差別,甚至一杯白開水裡礦物質的多少, 這是一個太喜歡旅行的人容易忽略的地方。這就和一個性經歷很多的人會麻木一樣,所以我覺得我們同時也要追求質量。在愛情裡,我們難免會想要另外的選擇,追 求更好的生活,但是你仍然可以在現有的關係裡追求更好的質量。
梁文道:很人類學的講法是,婚姻是財產的交換,門當戶對是為了不讓財產流到下一個階層。拋開這個不談,現在的大眾媒體製造了太多純粹愛情的幻覺,比如《諾 丁山》、《泰坦尼克號》,這種故事很讓人嚮往,但是所謂門當戶對,不只是說很勢利的,和愛情無關的判斷。兩個背景不同的人很難在一起,是成長的背景造成他 們沒有分享的基礎,這和勢利是無關的。比如世界上美女多的是,但是為什麼大款偏偏喜歡女明星呢?因為她們多了象徵資本,這和硬資本的結合應該是最門當戶對 的。
梁文道:今天的社會,我們都不知道自己要怎麼活,大部分人證明自己人生有價值的方法就是通過消費。我們通過買不一樣的東西來建立起自己的風格,而每個人的 風格其實都建立在資訊和廣告上。人有資訊焦慮,怕自己知道的不夠多;這背後其實是對風格的焦慮,怕自己和別人沒有差異;這之後就是身份的焦慮——我是誰。 像你剛才提到的那些時尚女性,她們的想法如果是建立在物質選擇上,那麼她們的焦慮是會伴隨終生的。我覺得真正的幸福是一種安身立命的感覺,把自己安頓在哪 裡。「剩女」或者「孤女」都不可怕,可怕的是她沒有做好準備,也沒有相應的能力來面對這樣的生活。
梁文道:愛情的條件和愛情的理想不一樣的地方在於,愛上一個人,是愛上之後才分析出的,但假如是帶著清單去找到話,就不是愛情了,你只是在考試,在買貨, 這樣不可能真的愛上一個人,也不可能幸福、長久。抱著理想愛情去尋找,總會讓人失望的。如果那個男人滿足了18項,還差2項,你就會在意,離開去尋找,再 找到滿足了這2項的男人,回頭想,那18項還真好。這樣就永無止境了。
梁文道:中國男人都是教育家,無法接受他老婆比他成熟。中國男人有一種特別強的父權心態,喜歡處於統治者的地位,小女孩乖,聽話,可以作為被教育的對象, 這說明中國男人很不自信,內心很自卑,也很脆弱。不過在這樣的現實下,女人找不到合適的男人也未必是不幸的。因為這些男人這麼可憐,這麼可怕,找到也未必 是好事。
梁文道:愛情是一種迎向他者的冒險,是對未知領域的挺進。你要面對婚姻,雖然婚姻不能保證說明,但是你為什麼還要結婚呢?你為什麼肯堵?因為你在冒險。信 任就是一種冒險,你相信一個人會愛你,不會傷害你。但其實信任是很脆弱的,你永遠沒辦法保證。所以信任很美麗,就像古瓷一樣脆弱。人之所以願意去追求這種 美麗,是因為人很孤獨,尤其是到死的時候,那是最寂寞的時候,你最愛的人都沒法陪你走到那一段路上面。如果我是一個人,我不知道我所感覺到的那些歡笑和快 樂是不是只有我一個人感覺得到。人生如此孤獨,以至於我們太需要與人分享。愛就是人活在世界上讓我們覺得不是那麼孤獨的很重要的東西。因為這樣的需要,我 們願意去冒險,做世界上最不理性的投資。所以愛情是讓人成為人,又幾乎要超越人的一個很重要的東西。
梁文道:我們太習慣控制風險,而這個時代什麼意外都會發生,但我們的控制慾卻越來越強,所以就會有非常大的焦慮。世界是無常的,我們又是凡夫俗子,沒有人 逃得過變化,我們要有順應各種變化的能力。愛情也是這樣,我們要學習的是如何享受在不確定的情況下和所有條件去協調。就像航海,一個航海家不會喜歡沒有變 化的航程,完美的天氣預報。他喜歡的是在海上感覺流向的變化,按照心意去協調,才能達到目的地。我們甚至要做好沒有愛情也能活下去的準備。
梁文道:儀式是宣告一個變化的完成。比如畢業典禮是一個儀式,婚姻需要儀式,孩子出生有儀式,這都和人生的變化有關。情人也是一樣,但是兩個人成為情人的 那一刻很難界定,是他拉著我的手過馬路的那一刻呢?還是吃飯的時候他深情地盯著我的那一剎那呢?還是他直接在電話裡說他很喜歡你的那一剎那呢?這個「一剎 那」是重要的,是一個儀式,因為你們的關係就因此而變了。
梁文道:我們總相信一種虛妄愛情的神話,認為愛情是沒有條件的,但其實,愛情永遠是需要內在條件的。如果一個女人說,愛一個男人是因為他很有錢,包含的意 思是很實際的。比如他安排了一個浪漫的約會,背後是因為他很有經濟實力,但是這個浪漫約會帶來的打動是很真實的。難道這有什麼不對嗎?女人喜歡男人因為他 有才華,或者很帥,為什麼就可以?才華其實和財富是同樣的,都是造成你心動的條件。每個人都說,最重要的是人好,好像這樣才高尚,但是其實愛情總是和各種 條件有關,你愛一個人總是因為某種理由,財富不見得比其他的條件更高或更低。一個有錢人,或許比較有機會有更好的藝術鑑賞力、見識、氣度或者某種更好的性 格,這是和錢帶給他的東西有關的。錢本身就是一種資源,可以帶來很多別的東西。為什麼人喜歡發財,因為錢可以帶來別的能力。我們不能把一個有錢人符號化, 認為他就一定要濫情,一定要無知等等。這種想法對有錢人是不公平的,就和歧視窮人一樣不公平。
梁文道:墨西哥文學獎獲得者帕斯寫過一本書,他說這三者是連鎖關係。性是人的動物本能,後來通過文化的包裹,有了愛的外殼,再後來社會制度化,便有了婚 姻。所以性是最根本的,而愛和婚姻中都不可避免的有性存在。當然對於這個問題,各種文化的看法都不同。在日本,女人可以通過相親和不愛的男人結婚,做好媽 媽,好太太,然後在外面有一個很愛的情人,偶爾還可能和一個有性吸引力的男同事去汽車酒店過夜。在日本女性眼中,婚姻、愛情、性三者是分開的。而在中國, 對於大多數女性來說它們是綁在一起的。
梁文道:有一個生物學解釋。雄性哺乳類動物天生喜好播種,從基因傳遞的角度考慮,必須要儘量傳播自己的精子。而雌性哺乳類動物,比如猴子,一方面她會在伴 侶面前偽裝專一,而背後會放縱自己的性慾。因為生育的負擔在雌性身上,所以她必須鞏固和綁住一個雄性,讓他對自己的孩子負責。所以女性談愛,緊張愛,是出 於對生育壓力的焦慮。當然這是生物學的說法,人不是動物。但是也不可否認,我們過去的文化,過分壓抑了女人對性的需要。我們其實不應該過分二元化對立,這 樣對於男性和女性都不公平。
徐巍:女人學會對自己的性負責是很重要的成長。我記得曾經接到一個女大學生的來信,信中她說自己是一個很獨立的女人,但她同時又對自己的男朋友說: 我把一切都給了你,你可要對我負責啊…女人年輕的時候常常把性當成自己給男人的一個餽贈,認為如果我把性給了你,我們之間卻沒有結果,那我就虧了。
徐巍:我記得洪晃曾經笑談:睡多少男人才值?COSMO也曾經做過一篇文章《經歷過多少男人才能成為女人?》,性伴侶數量是現在一些女性談論的話 題。當時我們一直糾纏在數字上,後來想想,所謂值和不值都是自己的判斷,我們既不必因為多而驕傲,也不必因為少而焦慮。只要我們有當下的樂趣和前行的資本 和勇氣——COSMO一直強調女人在一段關係裡保持自我的魅力和獨立性,這是很重要的,比數量重要得多。
梁文道:這就和一個人喜不喜歡旅行一樣。有的人就認為人生在世應該多走些地方,見識不同的人,不同的風光,但是有的人就是不喜歡旅行,覺得在家千日好。後 者在今天往往被忽略,甚至被誤解。其實這種人可能比喜歡旅行的人更敏感,他會感覺到每天從窗戶照射進來的陽光的細微差別,甚至一杯白開水裡礦物質的多少, 這是一個太喜歡旅行的人容易忽略的地方。這就和一個性經歷很多的人會麻木一樣,所以我覺得我們同時也要追求質量。在愛情裡,我們難免會想要另外的選擇,追 求更好的生活,但是你仍然可以在現有的關係裡追求更好的質量。
梁文道:很人類學的講法是,婚姻是財產的交換,門當戶對是為了不讓財產流到下一個階層。拋開這個不談,現在的大眾媒體製造了太多純粹愛情的幻覺,比如《諾 丁山》、《泰坦尼克號》,這種故事很讓人嚮往,但是所謂門當戶對,不只是說很勢利的,和愛情無關的判斷。兩個背景不同的人很難在一起,是成長的背景造成他 們沒有分享的基礎,這和勢利是無關的。比如世界上美女多的是,但是為什麼大款偏偏喜歡女明星呢?因為她們多了象徵資本,這和硬資本的結合應該是最門當戶對 的。
梁文道:今天的社會,我們都不知道自己要怎麼活,大部分人證明自己人生有價值的方法就是通過消費。我們通過買不一樣的東西來建立起自己的風格,而每個人的 風格其實都建立在資訊和廣告上。人有資訊焦慮,怕自己知道的不夠多;這背後其實是對風格的焦慮,怕自己和別人沒有差異;這之後就是身份的焦慮——我是誰。 像你剛才提到的那些時尚女性,她們的想法如果是建立在物質選擇上,那麼她們的焦慮是會伴隨終生的。我覺得真正的幸福是一種安身立命的感覺,把自己安頓在哪 裡。「剩女」或者「孤女」都不可怕,可怕的是她沒有做好準備,也沒有相應的能力來面對這樣的生活。
梁文道:愛情的條件和愛情的理想不一樣的地方在於,愛上一個人,是愛上之後才分析出的,但假如是帶著清單去找到話,就不是愛情了,你只是在考試,在買貨, 這樣不可能真的愛上一個人,也不可能幸福、長久。抱著理想愛情去尋找,總會讓人失望的。如果那個男人滿足了18項,還差2項,你就會在意,離開去尋找,再 找到滿足了這2項的男人,回頭想,那18項還真好。這樣就永無止境了。
梁文道:中國男人都是教育家,無法接受他老婆比他成熟。中國男人有一種特別強的父權心態,喜歡處於統治者的地位,小女孩乖,聽話,可以作為被教育的對象, 這說明中國男人很不自信,內心很自卑,也很脆弱。不過在這樣的現實下,女人找不到合適的男人也未必是不幸的。因為這些男人這麼可憐,這麼可怕,找到也未必 是好事。
梁文道:愛情是一種迎向他者的冒險,是對未知領域的挺進。你要面對婚姻,雖然婚姻不能保證說明,但是你為什麼還要結婚呢?你為什麼肯堵?因為你在冒險。信 任就是一種冒險,你相信一個人會愛你,不會傷害你。但其實信任是很脆弱的,你永遠沒辦法保證。所以信任很美麗,就像古瓷一樣脆弱。人之所以願意去追求這種 美麗,是因為人很孤獨,尤其是到死的時候,那是最寂寞的時候,你最愛的人都沒法陪你走到那一段路上面。如果我是一個人,我不知道我所感覺到的那些歡笑和快 樂是不是只有我一個人感覺得到。人生如此孤獨,以至於我們太需要與人分享。愛就是人活在世界上讓我們覺得不是那麼孤獨的很重要的東西。因為這樣的需要,我 們願意去冒險,做世界上最不理性的投資。所以愛情是讓人成為人,又幾乎要超越人的一個很重要的東西。
梁文道:我們太習慣控制風險,而這個時代什麼意外都會發生,但我們的控制慾卻越來越強,所以就會有非常大的焦慮。世界是無常的,我們又是凡夫俗子,沒有人 逃得過變化,我們要有順應各種變化的能力。愛情也是這樣,我們要學習的是如何享受在不確定的情況下和所有條件去協調。就像航海,一個航海家不會喜歡沒有變 化的航程,完美的天氣預報。他喜歡的是在海上感覺流向的變化,按照心意去協調,才能達到目的地。我們甚至要做好沒有愛情也能活下去的準備。
12 February 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-006 - Uprising, by Muse
This week's "Song of the Week" is sepcially dedicated to the people of Egypt. It is Uprising by Muse.
It is oversimplifing to say that it is the victory of the people. Revolution like this, is mostly a combination of forces by different parties, the Egyptian military and US government are probably involved directly and indirectly.
However the people is always as important as any other parties, without the uprising of the people, the military will no legitimate reason to support their action; without the uprising of the people, US government will not give up a single chance to gain any upper hand in the middle east.
So I do not agree with some people who suggested the revolution in Egypt is a military coup, yes, the military is indeed a decisive factor, in fact it is always a decisive factor in all major revolution. Force is always vital. Yet people's will should be given credit even if not as vital.
I wonder when will the people of a certain country wake up, or they just want to get lost in their illusion of an economic triumph.
6 February 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-005 - Happy New Year, by Abba
It is Chinese New year, so this week won't miss with a new year song. There are actually three candidates, and it's a tough decision, but here it is, one of the best new year songs, Happy New Year by Abba.
"Happy New Year", something we say almost every year, somehow I feel that it implies a "not-so-good" if not a "bad" year has just passed. In order to regain one's morale, the start of a year is marked as the point where everything will start afresh, and all those happened will be left behind. It is a vision we long for, and a self-comforting statment. I don't know if it is good or bad, but sometimes I do think that as much as we like to say "learn from history, learn from past, learn from experience", "forgetfulness" is one of the most powerful weapons of human.
We make mistake, we regret, we learn the lesson, then we forget. Some people say it is the vicious cycle of human nature. However isn't this view of a "vicious cycle" only valid when we assume a progressive human development? In a time where we love to reflect upon ourselves, where we love to go nostalgic, where we praise the glory of our past, can we still confidently say that human development is progressive? Or we just simply change the way of our lives?
However there is one thing I can be sure of, this vision of progress is what take us where we are now. And I don't see there is any way that we will be able to shake this vision away. So maybe we just have to live with it. After all time progresses whether we progress or not, Happy New Year.
p.s. I'm not sure when they wrote this song, but the release year of it is 1980 where the two members of Abba, Björn Ulvaeus and Agnetha Fältskog, divorced (exactly the two in the beginning of the MV). I wonder if the lyrics is somehow linked to themselves, where they felt sad but were trying to stay positive with a "Happy New Year".
Happy New Year, Abba
No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It's the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...
*Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I*
Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he'll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he's astray
Keeps on going anyway...
Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
It's the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we'll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine...
30 January 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-004 - The Fix, by Elbow
Elbow made some very interesting music, and their lyrics can be witty and playful, actually i think they deserves more attnetion from the public. So it is good that their latest album The Seldom Seen Kid won the 2008 Mercury Music Prize and made a commercial success. Last week I have chosen One Day Like This by them, this week I decided to pick another song by them, also in their awarded album.
As much as I always like to believe that meaning of any artwork is subjective to the audience, I love to know what the artist wants to say. The Fix by Elbow is one of those songs, that without local knowledge (in this case, it is horse racing in England) or the artist's explanation doesn't really make much sense. It's lyrics contain lots of slangs and In-jokes.
The Fix is a song literally talking about rigging a horse race.
Once you know that, the featuring of Richard Hawley in the song doesnt only make sense, but it is actually a brilliant magic touch of the song. Since a fix seldom happens without teamwork, and Corruption never appears through a single hand.
So when we are talking about a morbid society, we need to have a bunch of inhumane capitalists, an absurd government and a large amount of mindless citizen... Yes, I am always cynical. Yet I never deny that I am part of this morbid society, in fact I might just contribute to its morbidness.
Our world only makes sense in a nonsense way.
Rationality is just another form of stupidity.
p.s. Richard Hawley looks awfully like To Kit (陶傑)...
Here is the lyrics and some of the interpretations I found out or made up, any other suggestions are welcome:
The Fix, by Elbow
The fix is in
There's a nag(1) gonna dance home at Epsom(2)
The fix is in
Can't wait to see how it upsets 'em
Too many times we've been postally pipped(3)
We've loaded the saddles, the mickeys are slipped(4)
We're swapping the turf for the sand and the surf and the sin
Cause the fix, the fix is in
The fix is in
The odds that I got were delicious
The fix is in
The jockey is cocky and vicious
The redoubtable beast has had pegasus pills(5)
We'll buy him the patch in the Tuscany hills
And the Vino di Vinci(6) will flow like a river in spring
Now the fix, the fix is in
The fix is in
The snaps of the steward so candid
The fix is in
Yes, our pigeons have finally landed
The Donahue sisters will meet us in France
In penguins and pearls, we'll drink and we'll dance
'Til the end of our days, cause it ain't left to chance
That we win
Cause the fix, the fix is in
(1) nag = a horse in old informal English;
(2) Epsom = Epsom Downs Racecouse near London;
(3) postally pipped = "pipped at the post", which means marginally lost in a race;
(4) mickeys are slipped = slipped someone drugs, in this case probably the jockey or the horse is drugged;
(5) pegasus pills = pegasus is a winged flying horse in Greek mythology, pegasus pills probably means drugs or steroid is given to one of the horses;
(6) Vino di Vinci = Wine of Victory
22 January 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-003 - One Day Like This, by Elbow
I must say I find this MV strangely uplifting.
Occasionally I find myself in a good mood just like the happy banner man in the MV of this heartening song by Elbow. While I do not dance or sing, what I do in a good mood is walking. I simply love walking.
In fact I go for a walk when I am in both good and bad mood. When I am in a good mood, I am enjoying the scene, the atmosphere, the moment in the walk. When I am in a bad mood, I am thinking, reflecting and releasing through walking. Anytime is a good time for walking, but I espeically like walking at night and very early in the morning when the street are not so busy, though early morning walk is hard to come by as I sleep late and wake up late.

Those were some lonely but precious time that I will always remember and treasure.
I am happy that in 2011 there is a new light which ignite my passion in walking, and it is early morning walk that I am talking about, how great is that! I am very grateful about this new light, I sincerely hope that I can keep on walking and enjoy walking.
"Drinking in the morning sun
Blinking in the morning sun
Shaking off the heavy one
Heavy like a loaded gun"
p.s. next time when I am walking I will listen to this uplifting song, gotta be really nice~
15 January 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-002 - Teardrop, by Massive Attack
I always think the greatness of art lies in their ambiguity and openness.
When the artist put their works out into the public, they can explain what they want to express through their works. But it won't just stop there, the work of art will be like a new born which takes on a life of its own. The artist's will might still remains as a way for people to read that work of art, just like a child living under the shadow of the parents. Yet as time goes, the will of the artist loses its strength, the meaning and value of the work of art will then depend on how people relate to it. Thus, the work of art lives.
Some people are arguing what this song, Teardrop, by Massive Attack is trying to say, some suggest it is about abortion, some say it is about infidelity, some say it is about futility. I would say what you see from it, is what you feel about parts of yourself. Whether it is "fearless on my breath" or "feathers on my breath" isn't really that important. What really matters is that, it resonate with your state of mind, your state of heart.
It is my song of the week because it strikes my current state of mind.
"Teardrop on the fire" does sounds futile in a way, but when it is put together with "fearless on my breath", what it means is not futility but an immense passion that has no fear. I have never been so resolute in a certain aspect of life. I also don't know if the passion will wither, but what I am doing now will be a test of that passion. It is just a "teardrop on the fire" now, but I am "fearless on my breath". Even if it doesnt work out in the end, I will live with no regret, and I would love to have a "Nine Nights" in the end.
p.s. hospital noise at the start of the MV and the heartbeats at the background, makes it a nice theme for the medical drama "House". The vagueness of the lyrics also makes it very open to relate to the drama.
8 January 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-001 - Cayman Islands, by Kings of Convenience
In order to make a habit of writing something regularly, I decided to start with picking a song and writing something, no matter long or short, about it.
As the start, I picked Cayman Islands by one of my favourite groups, the Norwegian duo, Kings of Convenience.
There is really no particular reason why I picked it to start the "Song of the Week" section. Well... part of the lyrics is thinly related to something that I plan to do in coming week but it is not the reason. Yet I don't know why the song keep looping in my mind this week. I don't know how long this looping will last, but luckily it is not a bad song to loop in the mind, in fact it is a great one. It is Calm, quiet and soothing, so I am happy to have it as the song of the week, and as the first one.
The lyrics remind me of a trip in a town, Chartres, in France. For better or worse, there is not a special someone as my company like the song mentioned. I just went there alone, but it is one of the greatest trip I ever had.
Chartres is not the most famous tourist spot, but it maybe on the list of Christian visitors when they go to France, as its Gothic Cathedral is one of the finest and the preservation of it is brilliant, in addition, there is a sacred item, a Tunic which is said to have been worn by Virgin Mary. The Cathedral was the reason I went to this town, but I didn't went there for its magnificent facade, or the beautiful stained glass, or the holy tunic, I went there for its floor. I went there for the labyrinth built on the floor of the Cathedral. I wanted to walk on it!
Unfortunately, when I arrived, they were having some kind of ceremony, and chairs were laid out, covering the labyrinth on the floor. However, come to think about it now, it is not so bad, as I got more time to explore the beautiful town. Just like the first line of the song "through the alleyways to cool off in the shadows, then into the street following the water", I walked the old path, passed the stone bridges, entered the calm garden. Walking with my own pace, I enjoyed every bits of the joruney. It was calm, quiet and soothing. If there is any chance, I am definitely going to Chartres again!

"If only they could see, if only they had been here;
They would understand, how someone could have chosen;
To go the length I've gone, to spend just one day riding;
Holding on to you, I never thought it would be this clear."
As the start, I picked Cayman Islands by one of my favourite groups, the Norwegian duo, Kings of Convenience.
There is really no particular reason why I picked it to start the "Song of the Week" section. Well... part of the lyrics is thinly related to something that I plan to do in coming week but it is not the reason. Yet I don't know why the song keep looping in my mind this week. I don't know how long this looping will last, but luckily it is not a bad song to loop in the mind, in fact it is a great one. It is Calm, quiet and soothing, so I am happy to have it as the song of the week, and as the first one.
The lyrics remind me of a trip in a town, Chartres, in France. For better or worse, there is not a special someone as my company like the song mentioned. I just went there alone, but it is one of the greatest trip I ever had.

"If only they could see, if only they had been here;
They would understand, how someone could have chosen;
To go the length I've gone, to spend just one day riding;
Holding on to you, I never thought it would be this clear."
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