29 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-021, Grandfathers Dance, Harry LaFleur
Everyone has a day of departure, but not everyone can leave in tranquility. We are all sad about the lost, but we are happy that you leave without much suffering. Also I am grateful that the family stay strong, and I think we take care of each other well. That, I suppose is not too bad for an ending. So I hope you wouldn't mind that I have chosen an upbeat music for you.
May you rest in peace and happiness.
22 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-020, Ремонт , Flёur
The Monday just passed was a rainy day. I went to university to return some books, accompanying me was an old friend who studied in the university for his undergraduate. He was amazed by the changes and renovations going-on in the campus. As we walked around the campus, he told me fragments of stories and memories. It is hard to believe 5 years (for me it is 4) has passed since we graduated and got ourselves into the real world (somehow I got myself back into the dream world of uni again, at least for a year).
I remembered when I was small, a day felt like a century, everything seemed to run in slow motion. Now, time is passing too quickly. Bomb, a day passed without notice. Bomb, a year passed with a blink. Things are changing in a flying pace.
"Things lead life of their own
When you are not looking"
This is an excerpt from the lyrics of the song. I guess many people have thought about it when they were little. I admit I did, I thought my stationaries communicate with each other and plan for an escape when I was asleep. I dropped the idea shortly when I found my lost pens, rulers, rubbers etc. under my bed covered in dust.
But now I kind of agree with it... in a different sense.
xxx xxx xxx
Flёur - Ремонт
(Flёur - Remodeling)
There are no tries
or home,
no silent allies in twilight
no dogs that I would know
Flowers in neat flowerbeds
Everything looks different
Unfamiliar, new
As if it's always been this way
It's definitely the right place
Just not the right time
Different time of year
Different time of day
It was so interesting
Mom, Dad and Summer
And I've turned into someone
Not paying attention to what was between the lines
Everything's covered with plaster
and freshly painted
Numerous little jobs completed
How do I go back to this other life
That seems like a fairy tail
When everything has been remodeled
It feel like I can see everything
But I can't wake up
I know that objects (things) lead life of their own
When you don't look at them
And the world behind your back is constantly moving
All it takes is to turn around
And I got distracted just for a second
When everyone around me changed completely
19 May 2011

先說說行政長官所說的"社會有意見"。 "社會意見"就是社會上不同的人因應自己的情況和立場對一些話題和討論有著不同想法, 內裡包括各種正與反的見解, 是一個概括性的詞語, 沒有鮮明立場。 另一個措辭是"社會主流意見", 這代表的是曝光率較高而且被認為是較多人認識或同意的見解, 但我們必須清楚明白"主流"並不代表"正確"或"最理想", 也不一定是最有代表性因為它只是一種綜合性的泛論, 而且它也會因時間和環境而改變。 作為一個有效的政府就必須了解"社會意見"的含糊和不確定性, 要以理據和合理的程序去支持自己的政策, 說服群眾以穩固自己的政權。 這當中不可能撇開"政治目的"。
每個政黨本身都有立場, 而市民就因其自身的立場而選擇支持那個政黨, 政黨的目標就是說服和吸納更多支持者以期獲得更多席位或成為執政黨。 所以在民主體制下, 政黨不可能偏離社會而為了"一己政治目的", 如果他們的立場有變, 或市民發覺他們只為個人利益, 支持者自然會流失。 為了使我們的行政長官可以明白, 簡單點說, 民主體制下每個政黨都代表著一些"社會意見"。
故此, 行政長官所說的"社會有意見批評一些政黨為一己政治目的, 以法律程序及其他手段阻礙大型機建項目發展, 損害香港整體及長遠利益" , 以現時的香港而言完全沒有邏輯可言, 也不可能成立。 有什麼情況這句說話會合邏輯 ? 有的, 在獨裁政權之下, 該政權便代表著整體, 所有其他政黨及支持那些政黨的市民都是敵人, 都是為了"一己政治目的"的敵對勢力。 因為對於只會考慮"一己政治目的"的獨裁政權而言, 所有反對聲音都是為了拉他們下台, 都是只為了奪去他們的執政權, 都是有著"一己政治目的"。 所有不同意其政策的人民都是反動, 都脫離了他們定義的整體。 那個地方切合這情況? 很多, 有一個就在眼前。 以現在特區政府推動香港改變的方向而言, 我們的行政長官非但沒有邏輯謬誤, 而且很有先見之明哩 !
15 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-019, Glósóli, Sigur Ros
There is no better way to warp up the anthropology master course with one of my favorite music. For some unknown reason, this MV always gives me goose bumps.
This year of study is truly fun and inspiring. I have really enjoyed the whole process. The department is super nice and friendly, the professors are great, and all the classmates, both MA and Mphil, are really fun to play with. I am never an active person, but these guys, they are just brilliant, I have enjoyed every bit of time with them (although I always sit at the corner and don't really talk much, please bear with me, that's my character :P). I am sure I will keep in touch with all these great people.
So, why this song? Because it is about chasing the glowing sun. Wish all of you succeed in finding your glowing sun, and have an enjoyable journey chasing it. All the best~!
8 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-018, That's Amore, Dean Martin
This is a song specially for a dear friend who got married yesterday~!
Many people say one of the biggest concerns about getting married is how much money need to be spent, especially for the man. And the best part is that, you are not paying for the fun, you are paying for the trouble (in which the wife is/is going to be the biggest of them all). So, you see, getting married is indeed a test for the man.
I am happy to have contributed to such a test by making the husband to pay for overpriced ugly DIY wedding invitation cards.
So Agnes, you should be happy, since Raymond still kept a smile on his face even he knew he is ripped off by your friend. But tell him to treat you good, or else you can always let us rip him off again as a punishment.
Anyway, enough stupid talk from me.
Agnes and Raymond, all the best to you, may your joining together bring you more joy than you can imagine.
xxx xxx xxx
That's Amore, by Dean Martin
In Napoli,
Where love is king,
When boy meets girl,
Here's what they say...
When the moon,
Hits you eye,
Like a big pizza pie,
That's amore.
When the world,
Seems to shine,
Like you've had too much wine,
That's amore
Bells will ring,
And you'll sing vita bella.
Hearts will play,
Like a gay tarantella.(lucky fella)
When the stars,
make you drool,
Just like a pasta fazool,
That's amore.
When you dance,
Down the street,
With a cloud,
At your feet,
You're in love.
When you walk,
In a dream,
But you know,
You're not dreaming signore.
Scuzza me,
But you see,
Back in old Napoli
That's amore!
2 May 2011
Song of the Week, 2011-017, Paper Aeroplane, KT Tunstall
Something has to give...
I put myself into this position, so I have to endure whatever it throws at me. Now I am not even half way through, but I can already smell the burning ash of abyss. But I have no intention to turn around, I will keep my promise, a promise that I made to myself. Not for anyone, not for anything, just for the sake of making it complete.
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