28 August 2011

Song of the Week, 2011-034, Falling Slowly, Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova


《Once》是一套很特別的電影,雖然是低成本製作,卻一點也不馬虎,整套戲很自然很有真實感。導演 John Carney 稱它為一套音樂劇,這說法是挺準確的,而且電影的 Soundtrack 都要比很多 album 更有質素。相信這跟電影的參與者很多都其實是音樂人有關,男主角 Glen Hansard 是愛爾蘭 The Frames 樂隊的主音和結他手,女主角 Marketa Irglova 是來自捷克的音樂人並跟 Glen Hansard 另外組成了 The Swell Season, 就連導演 John Carney 本身其實也曾經是 The Frames 的低音結他手。這個背景不單肯定了電影的音樂質素,而且也確保了演員和導演的投入感,因為《Once》就是一個獨立音樂人的故事,我什至懷疑有些是他們的個人經歷。



p.s. 因為《Once》而認識 Marketa Irglova ,實在太吸引了。是充滿氣質的美,發覺我對這些女生是完全沒有抵抗力的。

xxx xxx xxx

"games that never amount
to more than they're meant
will play themselves out"

For game like this
Futility and emptiness should be expected
Yet it is still tough when things fall apart slowly in front of your eyes
Things that you tried to make an effort
Things that you put your heart into
When it is time to close the curtain they don't really mean anything

I am not giving up yet
But I am waiting for the curtain call
Before that I will give my best and enjoy what's left of it

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