Really loving this ad. from Cadbury chocolate! Fantastic!that gorilla... just so emotional. those little details ... taking a deep breath when the background is singing "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord!". then it sings "Ive been waiting for this moment, all my life, oh lord", while that gorilla cultivate its emotion to that burst of drum solo... Just Damn Cool!!!!
有趣的是歌詞的意境其實和整體歌曲的旋律, 氣氛, 以至表現手法都十分不配合. 你是否認為自己是快快樂樂的唱一首失戀, 什至是一個抑鬱病者的自白? 當然怎樣去解讀一首歌以至很多藝術作品是十分個人的. 就像之前提到的 More Than Words, 十之八九的人都會堅持那是一首浪漫到喊的情歌. 任何人也不應該把自己一套看法強加他人身上, 特別是音樂和藝術作品, 怎麼去看和了解是會因個人經歷而遣生不同看法. 但是 Lemon Tree 的歌詞卻挺明顯是不快樂的 (當然有人要死也拗番生也無不可). 這是一個感情上迷失的人的一篇獨白, 和那 upbeat 的音樂是強烈對比.
有人說當中的一些歌詞可以推測歌中那人是抑鬱的. 例如 chorus 唱到 "Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky, And all that I can see is just a yellow Lemon tree", 其實是暗喻另一個人 (possibly 歌中人心儀對象) 告訴他向好的方面想 (以blue blue sky, 即海闊天空, 藍天白雲那種 feel), 但是他自己就只能向壞的方面想 (lemon 用於口語可解為 unsatisfactory or defective, 或者簡單說就是酸澀). 另外又提到 "there's a heavy cloud inside my head, I feel so tired put myself into bed". 這些都是抑鬱的人的心態和行為. 所以估計歌中人已經患上抑鬱云云. 贊同與否就見人見智了.
近來在找一些舊歌聽, 這是1990年的 "More Than Words". 不要誤會這 video 是他人播炒, 雖然 clip 中可見歌曲和歌者的 style 某情度上都幾九唔搭八. 但他們的確是原作原唱, 美國的 hard rock 樂隊 Extreme. 有趣的是這首十分 acoustic 一點也沒有 rock 味的歌曲是 Extreme 最廣為人知, 令他們殺入主流市場的作品. hard rock 樂隊唱浪漫情歌, 結果成了名作, 世事真是奇妙. 不過其實 Extreme 是一隊曲風很廣的樂隊, 不只玩 rock. 不過看 rock 人唱情歌mv都幾攪笑.
最後奉上 Northern Birds 一曲. 注意內容是很粗鄙的, 不過真的很好笑. 雖然這篇很長不過也要加上 Northern Birds 歌詞, 更能欣賞其爆笑之處. If you go to Bolton, If you go to Manchester or Crewe, Newcastle or Scarborough, York or Scunthorpe, Bradford, Barnsley too, Or Grimsby. Listen up to what we have to say.
Northern birds are lazy, ugly whores, who smell of burgers, So don’t have too much to drink, Or you might fuck one, And end up getting AIDS.
There’s nothing fun, To be found up the M1, Northern birds are lower class, Slags who take it up the arse.
They’re in the sack, After one cider and black, But they’re fucking awful rides, And your dick won’t touch the sides. (Da da da da da da da da da da) Northern Birds (Da da da da da da)
If you really have to go up North, Then follow our advice. Fight away the women, Or you’ll find yourself with pubic lice, And herpes. You’re much better staying in the South.
Northern Birds are desperate, ugly, hippos, dressed in Burberry, With a peanut for a brain, And an accent, That makes you want to die.
Now, you’ve been warned. They’re all physically deformed. Northern birds are all obese, And they’re riddled with disease.
Try to escape. Northern sex is worse than rape. Stay down South, and mark my words, Steer well clear of Northern Birds. (Da da da da da da da da da da) Northern Birds (Da da da da da da) Northern Birds
兩年前, 自稱為"蜘蛛人"的法國攀爬專家羅貝爾沒有安全索登上六十二層的香港長江中心. 另有一位香港的政治活躍人士, 外號"蜘蛛俠"的英人Matt Pearce攀爬中環商廈作為抗議方式 , wikipedia也可找他的簡單介紹 - Matt Pearce (born 1975) is a political activist in Hong Kong and the founder of International Action ( He is not important enough to warrant more than one sentence on wikipedia (真夠"光宗耀祖"...). 英國之前也曾有一名男子打扮成"蜘蛛俠"攀爬倫敦的塔橋 (Tower Bridge), 不過如果沒有記錯這個"蜘蛛俠"好像是下不了來, 要消防員打救, 接著被檢控. 以上這些人士相信都是bouldering的愛好者.