15 May 2011

Song of the Week, 2011-019, Glósóli, Sigur Ros

There is no better way to warp up the anthropology master course with one of my favorite music. For some unknown reason, this MV always gives me goose bumps.

This year of study is truly fun and inspiring. I have really enjoyed the whole process. The department is super nice and friendly, the professors are great, and all the classmates, both MA and Mphil, are really fun to play with. I am never an active person, but these guys, they are just brilliant, I have enjoyed every bit of time with them (although I always sit at the corner and don't really talk much, please bear with me, that's my character :P). I am sure I will keep in touch with all these great people.

So, why this song? Because it is about chasing the glowing sun. Wish all of you succeed in finding your glowing sun, and have an enjoyable journey chasing it. All the best~!

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