22 May 2011

Song of the Week, 2011-020, Ремонт , Flёur

The Monday just passed was a rainy day. I went to university to return some books, accompanying me was an old friend who studied in the university for his undergraduate. He was amazed by the changes and renovations going-on in the campus. As we walked around the campus, he told me fragments of stories and memories. It is hard to believe 5 years (for me it is 4) has passed since we graduated and got ourselves into the real world (somehow I got myself back into the dream world of uni again, at least for a year).

I remembered when I was small, a day felt like a century, everything seemed to run in slow motion. Now, time is passing too quickly. Bomb, a day passed without notice. Bomb, a year passed with a blink. Things are changing in a flying pace.

"Things lead life of their own
When you are not looking

This is an excerpt from the lyrics of the song. I guess many people have thought about it when they were little. I admit I did, I thought my stationaries communicate with each other and plan for an escape when I was asleep. I dropped the idea shortly when I found my lost pens, rulers, rubbers etc. under my bed covered in dust.

But now I kind of agree with it... in a different sense.

xxx xxx xxx

Flёur - Ремонт
(Flёur - Remodeling)

There are no tries
or home,
no silent allies in twilight
no dogs that I would know

Flowers in neat flowerbeds
Everything looks different
Unfamiliar, new
As if it's always been this way

It's definitely the right place
Just not the right time
Different time of year
Different time of day
It was so interesting
Mom, Dad and Summer

And I've turned into someone
Not paying attention to what was between the lines

Everything's covered with plaster
and freshly painted
Numerous little jobs completed
How do I go back to this other life
That seems like a fairy tail
When everything has been remodeled

It feel like I can see everything
But I can't wake up
I know that objects (things) lead life of their own
When you don't look at them
And the world behind your back is constantly moving
All it takes is to turn around
And I got distracted just for a second
When everyone around me changed completely

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